Monday, March 9, 2009
2:55 PM
It Been Awhile !
So yea its been awhile since I've been on this thing ...
time for an update,
So, mad jams have been popping off latley, and I barley have anytime
for a me and her weekend anymore, but we actually pulled through
one last weekend, it was frikken bomb.
We went to Korean grill once again and had a blast staying there forever
LOL, it was pretty jokes cause we stayed there until we got light headed
or as she would say "HIGH" hahah . But the day before that on the Friday
I went to pick her up at Islington and we went downtown and ate shwarma
and bought a belgium wafal for the both of us. But yea I even got her a hook
up on Fries on the Saturday after Korean grill. Wanted to go skating that day but
we both had no skates, just decided to watch people skate that day, don't matter
still was a moment. And finally our 13 months came on that Sunday, she had to go home obviously but you know what it was an amazing weeekend just us,
having our walks and talks.
I love having weekend like this :) .
This weekend was pretty live, even though we didn't end up doing things according to plan, sorry Blake :s, but yea just decided to chill with her again after her girls chillagefor a bit, they all ended up reaching Jhens house for a little juicing, Jonnie and Julius taggedalong and Banjo came randomly but it was all good. Me and Banjo ended up just juicing instead of all us guy sappose to be juicing. Everyone got a shot, wasn't to much of juicinggoing on. We all ended up sleeping after a bit. Next day we watched man LOL as in we watchedWatch Man. It was a pretty sick movie, nice message toward it. My girl didn't think it was an all that movie but I guess those movies aren't her you know. Its either a horror or one of those cute animated movies or even a romantic one and even a funny one ...LOL. Or lets just say a movie with me would make it fun for the both of us :PShe finally made a response to my question and it was really amazing how she put that note together :) it made me smile alot on how she just said she was "selfish" toward having me as a boiprend, see it just made me smile and made me get butterflies just thinking about it. And yes this girl is mine. I think Im a bit selfish myself when it comes to trusting people around my gyal here. We can both say that fo sho. It just so many mans and girls out there are fiends toward there sexual actions and don't think on wagwon with what they do or who they hurt you know. And don't worry Ima make a note on that shit. Anywayz back to talking about her again. She just simply makes my life so complete. I mean I know its scary how we both are lasting this long, but then again it aint cause were both so happy that we are. I mean Im willing to risk alot of things just to be with her you know, and Im willing to stay strong to make this relationship work but you never know whats gonna happen. Well lets just try to go as far as possible, let try making it to the top. She makes me, me. She makes me smile. She makes me feel the way I feel. She makes my heart whole. She makes me ... a whole bunch of things. I mean trust issuses can be understood at points, so I know what you mean in your note and I love you for that :).. just thank you baby for being who you are and not being what your not, even though I hate how you put unnessary things on your face way to much sometimes, but I still love you for who you are from the most.
Lifes been getting hard. Trying to get use to doing things proper still, like waking up and going to class, sorry if I aint doing it all the time baby, and doing things on time for school. I can admit though that Im doing way better then I would be from before. I just really have to pull through for myself. Can't always rely on her for help, like I she said aint gonna be there all the time. Gotta start saving again, getting tired of having no money in my bank you know. I miss seeing hundred in my Bank :S LOL but yea I know I can get back on track on that fo sho.
Anywayz Im done for this post for now I'll be back on riting on it soon :)
so Im off, need to talk to my girlprend now Peauuuuceee !